Dear DMFSC Neighbors,
Passing on a valuable workshop opportunity offered through University of California's Agriculture and Natural Resources program, the Post-Fire Resilience Workshop series.
This workshop will focus on post-fire landscapes that were impacted 3+ years ago.
Consider registering if you or someone you know is a:
Community member interested in learning more about managing post-fire lands
Private forest landowner (no acreage limit)
Local agency member, tribal member, or nonprofit employee
What to expect:
Weekly guest speakers on post-fire topics
Dedicated Q&A time for each session
Networking with your community and resource professionals
Learn about:
Post-Fire forest management
Managing resprouting vegetations, oaks, hardwoods, and mixed conifers
Financials and professional assistance for landowners
Ongoing forest maintenance
The workshop will take place on Thursday nights from 6-7:30 PM on Zoom from September 19th through October 17th, and includes an in-person field trip on October 19th. Registration is open now.
Questions can be directed to the Post-Fire Academic Coordinator, Katie Reidy:
Best Regards,
DMFSC Steering Committee